Those of you who made it to the launch of SAJ2 last week will have heard Tim Chapman, author of “The Haunts of the Halifax Slasher” in the new Journal, read out this poem. Here it is again for those who couldn’t make it, or were there and couldn’t hear it!
The Ballad of the Halifax Slasher
a found poem by Tim Chapman, adapted from headlines in the Halifax Daily Courier and Guardian,17 November – 5 December 1938
Girls’ struggle with assailant in dark local lane.
Theory of hatchet or mallet.
Head wounds which required stitches;
Brutal attack at Ripponden.
Police all-night patrol of district.
Womenfolk’s uneasiness.
Mystery of night attack
on young woman in Halifax street.
Wrist wound from sharp instrument;
Put her arm up to ward off blow.
Incident near gas lamp.
£10 police reward for arrest
of Halifax Slasher.
Attack on man last night;
Caretaker’s hand and head cut.
School of Art guarded by police;
Precautions taken for safety.
Two Slashers at work in district?
Time factor in last night’s attacks:
Three at Halifax and one at Elland.
Special plans of police.
Halifax Slasher strikes
in darkness of early morning.
Police increase reward to £25.
Who is shielding the terror man?
Identity must be guessed
by someone.
Thin attendance at prize distribution;
Discord of Slasher affects music event.
Scotland Yard called in to help;
County, Bradford, Huddersfield
police co-operating.
Two more attacks on women last evening;
The first victim slashed again.
The Slasher: latest!
Danger of violence to innocent persons.
Hand over any suspects to the police.
Part of the cordon.
Outside the police station.
She went prepared.
With armlets and staff.
Elland mackintosh clue:
Owner traced by county police.
Halifax lull after Scotland Yard help;
No arrest yet made.
A Hull reflex:
Slasher scare affects fish shop trade.
No slashing attack yesterday – official.
Chief constable on misleading reports:
All incidents not associated with Slasher.
Protection for voters at tonight’s polls.
Carry on Halifax!
The slashing scare is over.
Police chief’s emphatic statement:
Never any real danger
to general public.
Court sequel expected tomorrow.
Elland man’s alleged statement:
“I cut myself.”
Remarkable evidence in mischief charge.
Halifax back to normal;
Public laughs off Slasher scare.
Is reward still open?