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Even Wetter Mars


Rocks reveal Mars’ watery past (BBC)

Exquisite colour images of the Martian surface give a tantalising glimpse into the Red Planet’s watery past.

Cutting across the striped scenery, the researchers identified a network of cracks, known as joints, surrounded by prominent haloes of bleached rock. Writing in Science, the University of Arizona team said that similar features on Earth were “a clear indication of chemical interactions between fluids circulating within the fracture and the host rock.”

Likely fluids include water, liquid carbon dioxide or a combination of the two, and may have flowed up from deep underground reservoirs.

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Protected habitats

Previously, Europe’s Mars Express mission had detected the signature of minerals altered by water in the Candor Chasma area.

The washed-out features, which have been “cemented” by minerals contained in the fluids, now stand proud from the valley walls.

They have been exposed by millions of years of erosion.

However, the fact that they were once underground has important implications for their ability to support life.

“The overlying areas of rock would have acted as a buffer against any harsh environmental conditions on Mars at that time,” said Dr Chris Okubu of the University of Arizon and one of the authors on the paper.

“These areas would be nice protected areas for any biological processes to occur.”

This is not the first time that scientists have found evidence of fluids upwelling from deep inside the Martian interior. Last year, Nasa’s Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft spotted gullies and trenches thought to have been recently carved by outpourings of water or liquid carbon dioxide.

Other features, including dried-up lake beds, springs and river valleys, lend further weight to the theory that the planet was once awash with water and could therefore have supported life.

Nasa is examining all of these sites as possible targets for future ground based robotic missions.

However, the space agency says that if it has a chance of finding evidence of life on the planet, it must broaden its search.

“Following the water is a central aspect of exploration but the habitability issue also requires addressing the source of energy for life,” said Dr David des Marais of the Nasa Ames Research Center.

Possible future targets include areas of the planet where the building blocks of life, such as carbon, can be found.

“We not only need to follow the water but we also need to follow the energy,” said Dr des Marais.

The findings were presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in San Francisco, US.