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Gestationary imprinting?

Or even a step towards a concept analogous to Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic fields?

WHAT was your mother up to before you were even a twinkle in her eye? You might not think it matters, but it seems that in mice at least, mothers that receive mental training before they become pregnant can pass on its cognitive benefits to their young.

Previous studies in both people and animals have shown that a mother’s experiences while pregnant can affect her offspring’s gene expression and health, even years later. However, it was not known if experiences prior to pregnancy had an effect…

 “The mother [mouse] can modulate the intellectual capacity of her young,” he says. “If it happens in humans it has immense implications.” But he wishes Feig had pinned down exactly how the cognitive effects are inherited. “It smells like epigenetics, but there’s no proof.”

Full story at New Scientist