Not content with making a chump of himself promoting 911 conspiracy theories, ex-MI5 whistleblower David Shayler is now proclaiming himself to be the Messiah, as well as numerous other mystical figureheads in human history. He’s even dragged crop circles into the equation…
The voices in my head have always wondered whether Shayler’s adoption of the 911 “Truth” campaign was somehow encouraged, or engineered, as a punishment for embarassing his former employer. Given the way things are going now, however, perhaps a ‘nudge’ of that sort wasn’t even necessary. Well I wish him luck and look forward to seeing where he’ll be going with this one.
As an aside, I’ve long imagined a reality TV show called Jesus Island, or perhaps more democratically, Deity Island (I’m an Avatar of the Godhead, Get Me Out of Here!) where people who proclaim themselves to be Jesus, Odin, Quetzocoatl, King Arthur, Ashtar or whoever, are dumped on a desert island and forced to compete in a series of miracle-orientated challenges before being returned to society. Well, I’d watch it, anyway.
Here’s Shayler on More4 news last Friday.
Thanks to Al Robertson for the heads up!
And from AFP:
Former spy claims he has powers
A RENEGADE former British spy who was jailed after blowing the whistle on alleged wrongdoing in the intelligence services, has claimed to have new-found powers as a mystic.
David Shayler told British cable channel More4 News that he had visited a psychic who he believes channelled the spirit of Mary Magdalene and anointed him as the Messiah.
“Suddenly my whole life made sense,” the 41-year-old former officer with Britain’s domestic intelligence service MI5 said in an interview broadcast on Thursday evening. “I felt a sense of peace, I suddenly realised why it had been how it had, why I seem to get such a strange deal from the universe, when I seem to be trying to tell the truth about everything.”
Shayler told the programme his new powers included the ability to change the weather and that he had helped prevent the attempted car bombings in London and Glasgow in June through meditation.
He also claimed that his favourite football team, English Premiership side Middlesbrough, won a place in the 2006 Uefa cup final against Spanish side Seville because he had “channelled the light”. His team lost the final.
Shayler was released from prison in 2002 after serving seven weeks for breaching Britain’s Official Secrets Act.
He left MI5 in 1996 and subsequently made a number of allegations. He has since tried his hand as a novelist and a conspiracy theorist about the September 11, and planned to run against then prime minister Tony Blair in the 2005.”