SA pal Jennifer Dumpert’s Oneironauticum dreamscape project is featured over at Reality Sandwich:
On the last Saturday of every month, Oneironauticum participants worldwide enter dream space together. We do this by sharing an oneirogen. Derived from the Greek oneiro, or dream, and gen, to create, an oneirogen is anything that induces vivid dreams. Our oneirogens are often substances but sometimes they’re practices or sensory triggers. Whether it’s garlic, Galantamine, or Tibetan Buddhist lucid dream practices, if it promotes dreams and dream recall, we’ll try it.
Everyone dreams. Across cultures and throughout history, we all visit bizarre, visionary worlds on a nightly basis. There is a lot to be learned in this place. Your mind creates objective “reality” and the subjective experience of moving through that reality. Think of it as a different mode of cognition. Your dream mode is a way of being that you inhabit a fair percentage of the time. The point of Oneironauticum is to provide a vehicle to help us all explore this universally shared yet deeply individual lost continent.
Read the full article here