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UK's MOD on UFOs & remote viewing

So the UK’s Ministy of Defence was also exploring the military potential of remote viewing – only seven years after the US had publicly abandoned its own programme. It’s hard to believe that there haven’t been other RV projects here in the past and I’ve certainly met psychics who have told me that they’d done government work back in the ’80s. Let’s see if this confessional mood leads to any more such admissions.

Full story at BBC

Update: And here’s the document itself via FOIA request (Thanks Ben Goldacre!)

Also, new developments about the origins of the 2000 Project Condign report into UFOs. The first impetus for a new investigation came in 1993 – interestingly slightly ahead of the X-Files – led global surge of interest in the subject, but it would not be until the wave was at its peak in 1995 that the report was eventually comissioned.

One quote from an MOD source also adds weight to the idea that the MOD were conducting research into other esoteric areas during the ’80s: “For many years we were very concerned that in some areas the Russians had a handle on physics that we hadn’t at all. We just basically didn’t know the basics they were working from… We did encourage our scientists not to think that we in the west knew everything there was to be known.”

“If the sightings are of devices not of the Earth then their purpose needs to be established as a matter of priority … possibilities are: 1 Military reconnaissance. 2 Scientific. 3 Tourism.”

Full story at The Guardian