by Joe Banks
Revised and Expanded Edition
248 pp. | 216 x 156 mm
60 illustrations
Available now!
Available only from Strange Attractor Press and select record shops.
The first 500 orders from our web site will come with a ‘Hawkfan’ postcard.
The stories of Hawkwind told by those who made it happen.
While writing his acclaimed history of Hawkwind, Days of The Underground, author Joe Banks discovered that he had more interview material than he could fit into a single book.
Initially only available as a limited edition, Sideways Through Time is now a standalone, revised and expanded, heavily illustrated volume, featuring 34 interviews with the musicians, dancers, technicians, managers, friends and relations of the legendary space rock band. This new edition adds eight new interviews, including Dave Brock, Terry Ollis, Dave Anderson and Del Dettmar, and also includes additional visual material.
Interviewed inside:
Dave Brock / Terry Ollis / Nik Turner / DikMik / Dave Anderson / Del Dettmar / Michael Moorcock / Stacia Blake / Alan Powell / Paul Rudolph / Adrian Shaw / Paul Hayles / Harvey Bainbridge / Doug Smith / Andrew Lauder /Jamie Mandelkau / Jeff Dexter /
Alex ‘Higgy’ Higgins / Gerry Fitzgerald / Arthur Rhodes / Mike Hart / Jonathan Smeeton / Renée Berg / John May / David Hardy / Philip Tonkyn / Anton Matthews / Richard Ogden / Michael Butterworth / Ashley Howe / Carinthia West / Arthur Brown / Léonie Scott-Matthews / Pamela Townley