Tag Archives: Science

Sussex sewer zombie!

Anyone who’s ever watched a zombie film knows that psychics can’t stop zombies – only a bullet to the head will do the trick. But we are talking the Daily Mail here… 15th February 2008 Staff at a sewage works …


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Audio invisibility

‘We’ve devised a recipe for an acoustic material that would essentially open up a hole in space and make something inside that hole disappear from sound waves.’ In 2006, researchers at Duke and the Imperial College London used a new …


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'Just don't talk about teleporting people'

An interesting interview from Scientific American which lays out the current state of play on teleportation. It’s a little more tangled than we’d like to hope: ‘What’s the biggest misconception about teleportation? Jeff Kimble: That the object itself is being …


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America's 50 years in space

Jan. 31, 1958. Explorer 1 was circling Earth for the first time, proving that America could match the Soviets on the Cold War’s orbital frontier. “We have firmly established our foothold in space,” Wernher von Braun declared. “We will never give …


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I remember… Deglado

Well covered on the web is this story of how a man undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation with electrodes was suddenly able to recall long-lost memories: The accidental breakthrough came during an experiment originally intended to suppress the obese man’s appetite, …


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Laboratory OBEs

Accounts of out-of-body experiences — in which a conscious person sees his or her own body from a location outside the physical body — have been reported in clinical conditions that disturb brain function, such as near-death experiences, epileptic seizures, …


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Walter Murch & the heliocentric Pantheon

A fascinating interview with famed film and sound editor Walter Murch (Apocalypse Now, The Conversation, The Godfather, er Return to Oz) in which he outlines, amongst many other things, his theory that Copernicus’ 16th century ideas about the heliocentric solar …


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Decoding satellite patches

Some great high-end geekery over at The Space Review: a lengthy piece deconstructing the meanings of various US military satellite launch patches. Owls, eyes, dragons, ships and stars adorn these patches, made to commemorate both the launches and the teams …


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Welcome to the Big Brain

Continuing our cetacean theme, a piece on whale brains: They’re bigger than ours, so are they smarter? ‘We humans pride ourselves on our big brains. We never seem to tire of bragging about how our supreme intelligence empowers us to …


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UFO Xmas gift from the MOD

‘Following sustained pressure by a small number of UFO researchers during the last 8 years, the British Ministry of Defence have decided to release all of their UFO files.Gary Anthony, Dave Clarke, and Joe McGonagle have been making full use …


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Greg Taylor interviewed

Reality Sandwich have published an excellent, comprehensive interview with Daily Grail and Darklore Supremo Greg Taylor in which he provides a (largely) very wise overview of the current state of slipstream research, from UFOs to secret societies, mytho-archaeology to paranormal …


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Trickster takes to the airwaves

George Hansen, one of the most fascinating living  thinkers about parapsychology and fortean phenomena,  has just recorded a rare radio interview for Afterlife FM. Hansen, who spent many years working in parapsychology labs, has a particular interest in manifestations of …


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