Tag Archives: Science

5,000 years young

What is conceivably Europe’s oldest living thing is looking a bit green around the edges. But that is a good thing, and much to the relief of those charged with its care. Because when the Fortingall Yew in Scotland produces …


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'We must avoid attracting attention to ourselves'

Should we ever hear the space-phone ringing, for God’s sake let us not answer… Meet the neighbours: Is the search for aliens such a good idea? We’ve been trying to make contact with aliens for years. Now the day is …


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After you

A world without us…  “It’s a common fantasy to imagine that you’re the last person left alive on earth. But what if all human beings were suddenly whisked off the planet? That premise is the starting point for The World …


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Mars: The Blue Planet

The wet planet: There was life on Mars (probably) Scientists now say that an ocean several miles deep once covered a third of the surface of the planet, enough water to support the origin and evolution of life. The red …


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USAF considered gayspray

Air force looked at spray to turn enemy gay Dan Glaister, 13 June, 2007 The Guardian Make love not war may be the enduring slogan of anti-war campaigners but in 1994 the US air force produced its own variation on …


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Wireless Power – only 100 years late!

OK, it’s hardly Wardenclyffe, but it’s a start. The article does actualy mention Nikola Tesla towards the end. From the BBC: “A clean-cut vision of a future freed from the rat’s nest of cables needed to power today’s electronic gadgets …


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2012 Olympic logo in epilepsy panic

Well, it’s a convenient way to ditch one of the uglier aspects of an already ugly campaign, promoting an ugly event… From the BBC site: A segment of animated footage promoting the 2012 Olympics has been removed from the organisers’ …


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UFO Mystics interviewed

Greg Taylor of the excellent Daily Grail has interviewed SA pal Greg Bishop and Nick Redfern of the UFO Mystic blogzine. It’s a great piece, full of fresh insights into all manner of anomalous phenomena and well worth a read …


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The Climate Engineers

New York radio journalist Geoff Brady has put together a half-hour audio documentary exploring the history and practice of weather modification… Superpower militaries including the US have quietly made advances with the technology to control weather, perfecting ways to exploit …


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'Bots kill, love 'bots

A great piece detailing how troops in the Middle East are learning to love their robots.  “Ted Bogosh recalls one day in Camp Victory, near Baghdad, when he was a Marine master sergeant running the robot repair shop. That day, …


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Robot rights? Forget it!

Forget robot rights, experts say, use them for public safety James Randerson, The Guardian, Tuesday April 24, 2007 Scientists have criticised a government report which advocated a debate on granting rights to super-intelligent robots in the future as “a distraction”. …


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The wonderful home page of Mr Philip Burns: “I am always happy to be able to combine two of my hobbies – in this case, cryptozoology and stamp collecting.” Mr Burns also collects coins, meteorites, sea shells and origami. Thanks …


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