Tag Archives: Science

Politician turns chameleon

Brain damage turns man into human chameleon British Psychological Society 20 March 07 In his 1983 fake documentary ‘Zelig’, Woody Allen plays a character, Leonard Zelig, a kind of human chameleon who takes on the appearance and behaviour of whoever …


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Reincarnation and memory

Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors By Melinda Wenner, Livescience.com People who believe they have lived past lives as, say, Indian princesses or battlefield commanders are more likely to make certain types of memory errors, according to a new …


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Pocket flying saucer gets Pentagon funding

  From the New Scientist blog  “Is the Pentagon obsessed with flying saucers? It keeps pouring money into efforts to build them. The latest example is a contract to GFS Projects in Peterborough, UK. The initials stand for Geoff’s Flying …


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Dance of the quantum bees

Some fantastic multi-dimensional wyrd science brought into play to explain the disappearance of honey bees across the USA. “The first reports began in November of bees mysteriously disappearing. Not just one or two, but entire colonies of tens of thousands …


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Cockroach-controlled robot!

Amazing video of a cockroach-operated robotic platform – let’s hope he’s squishing those roaches before they learn… Thanks Ben Goldacre


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Robot Power, Robot Pride

Have You Hugged Your Robot Today? Science Agogo  27 March 2007. “Earlier this month, Korea’s Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy announced that it was drafting a set of ethical guidelines, called the “Robot Ethics Charter” for robot producers, users …


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Fortean Times Tesla piece online

The good folks at Fortean Times have put my biographical article about Nikola Tesla online in its entirety. You have to go through an irritating registration process to get beyond the first page, but it’s free! Read it here. Via …


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Interspecies lurve as evolutionary strategy

Interspecies Sex: Evolution’s Hidden Secret? James Owen, National Geographic News 14 March, 2007 The act of mating with a species other than your own may not be as ill advised or peculiar as it seems. Recent research indicates that hybridization …


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Retrocausality in the news

Scientists prepare to send a signal to the past… “… the presence of conscious observers later in history could exert an influence on those first moments [after the Big Bang], shaping the laws of physics to be favorable for life. …


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Colossal Squid sparks bidding war

How the world’s largest squid was caught—and the bidding war for the exclusive footage slated to be shown this spring. By Matthew Philips Newsweek 7 March, 2007 John Bennett is used to the monotony. As captain of a New Zealand …


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Vomit gun!

“Invocon proposes to investigate the use of beamed RF [radio frequency] energy to excite and interrupt the normal process of human hearing and equilibrium. The focus will be in two areas. (1) Interruption of the mechanical transduction process by which …


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UK's MOD on UFOs & remote viewing

So the UK’s Ministy of Defence was also exploring the military potential of remote viewing – only seven years after the US had publicly abandoned its own programme. It’s hard to believe that there haven’t been other RV projects here …


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