Tag Archives: Science

10m colossal squid netted!!

New Zealand fishermen have caught what is expected to be a world-record-breaking colossal squid. BBC Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton said the squid, weighing an estimated 450kg (990lb),took two hours to land in Antarctic waters. Local news said the Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni …


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Trapped in the wrong body

I won’t be happy until I lose my legs Ever since she was little, Susan Smith has felt there is something wrong with her body. Her determination to ‘fix’ things has twice landed her in hospital Monday January 29, 2007, …


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Psychic Britain

Wizards and diviners abound in Britain, says psychic survey Martin Wainwright, Monday February 19, 2007 , The Guardian Britain’s image as the home of sensible and practical types takes a knock today, with the publication of data showing just how …


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One boy and his Hieronymous Machine

Make magazine goes ‘fringe science’ this issue and it includes a great piece about one boy’s adventures with the bizarre Hieronymous Machine. This first appeared in the pages of Astounding Science Fiction after enamouring its editor John W Campbell Jr. …


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Even Wetter Mars

Rocks reveal Mars’ watery past (BBC) Exquisite colour images of the Martian surface give a tantalising glimpse into the Red Planet’s watery past. Cutting across the striped scenery, the researchers identified a network of cracks, known as joints, surrounded by …


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Luminous assault

Incredible video footage of the 7ft Taningia danae squid, luminous arms outstretched, attacking a bait and then the camera. From now on this will be known as the “big squid”. As their handy diagram shows, we all know about our …


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Holy toast: on visions and facial recognition

Faces, Faces Everywhere ELIZABETH SVOBODA, New York Times, 13 Feb 07 More than a decade ago, Diana Duyser of Hollywood, Fla., received a religious message through an unlikely medium: a grilled cheese sandwich she had made herself. As she gazed …


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PEAR: Global Consciousness Project labs to close

A Princeton Lab on ESP Plans to Close Its Doors PRINCETON, N.J., Feb. 6 New York Times— Over almost three decades, a small laboratory at Princeton University managed to embarrass university administrators, outrage Nobel laureates, entice the support of philanthropists …


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Fossil folklore

Steve Connor digs up the facts – and the fiction 12 February 2007, The Independent Ancient bones and other fossilised remains have been known to humans for millennia but it is only over the past 300 years or so that …


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Brain scan can "read intentions"

Call for ethical debate over possible use of new technology in interrogation Ian Sample, science correspondent; Guardian 9February, 2007 A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique that allows them to look deep inside a person’s brain and …


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Fiery death from above

‘UFO’ kills nomads News24 – (SA) New Delhi – A suspected meteorite killed two nomads and injured five others on Thursday in the northern Indian desert state of Rajasthan, a report said. Police told the Press Trust of India news …


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Dood, we just saw something amazing!

More UFOs, this time filmed by two serious dudes over Lake Eerie in Northern Ohio. The film itself is intriguing – whatever they are, those lights are bright – but the real joy is the live commentary. Make sure you …


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