Tag Archives: Science

Has the Hum been captured?

From Sydney Morning Herald A New Zealand scientist believes he’s captured a recording of the mystery hum that has been heard by scores of people living and in and around the city of Auckland. Dr Tom Moir, a computer engineer …


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Wireless Power!

Just in time for my Nikola Tesla biographical article in this month’s Fortean Times comes news that 21st century science is finally catching up with the patron saint of electricity… Physics promises wireless power, Jonathan Fildes BBC News The tangle …


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Genius of the Deep

Octopus: Genius of the deep They can use tools and experience pain and stress. Octopuses are so intelligent they may win special protection in laboratory research – and from the cruelty dished out by some restaurant kitchens By Marie Woolf, …


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Electricity aids memory

Mild electric currents aid memory Alok Jha, science correspondent Monday November 6, 2006 The Guardian Scientists have discovered a surprising way of improving memory: passing electricity through the brain while you are asleep. They have found that mild electrical stimulation …


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LSD aids alcoholics

LSD helps alcoholics put down the botttle By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor, 11 October 2006, The Independent A single dose of the hallucinogenic drug LSD is an effective treatment for alcoholism – according to research led by a British doctor …


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Ig-Nobel Winners for 2006

Why woodpeckers don’t get headaches (and other Ig Nobel Prize winners) By Steve Connor, Science Editor 06 October 2006. The Independent A scientist who studied the anatomy of the woodpecker’s skull to find out why it does not suffer from …


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Rupert Sheldrake draws scientists' wrath

Scientists angry after platform is given to ‘charlatan’s fantasy’ By Steve Connor, The Independent, 06 September 2006 Leading scientists have criticised Britain’s premier public forum on science for hosting a series of lectures on controversial research into the paranormal that …


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More than one god in the brain

‘God spot’ researchers see the light in MRI study Ian Sample, The Guardian, August 30, 2006 Brain scans of nuns have revealed intricate neural circuits that flicker into life when they feel the presence of God. The images suggest that …


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Stalling Steorn's perpetual motion claims

Sean McCarthy believes his small Irish high-tech company has overturned one of physics’ most fundamental laws… The company hasn’t released specific details about the process, other than to say it involves magnetic fields configured in precisely the right way. Using …


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Flying Saucer Man

The intriguing and strange – if true! – tale of Ralph Ring and Otis Carr, who claim to have built and flown a 45-ft diameter flying saucer in the late 1950s and early ’60s. Did the craft fly? “Fly is …


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Ludwig: The Flying King

Mad Ludwig’s flying car was a smart idea Michael Leidig, Sunday August 6, 2006, The Observer It’s been a long wait, but finally King Ludwig II of Bavaria can rest easy in his grave: 120 years after his death, German …


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Birds in the news!

“During spring in Denmark, at approximately one half an hour before sunset, flocks of more than a million European starlings (sturnus vulgaris) gather from all corners to join in the incredible formations shown above. This phenomenon is called Black Sun …


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