Tag Archives: Science

Aurora in the news – again!

Is it a bird? Is it a spaceship? No, it’s a secret US spy plane The Guardian, Saturday June 24, 2006 It is the stuff of internet conspiracy theorists’ dreams. A top secret, hypersonic, cold war spy plane that was …


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Electro-therapy in the news!

Electric therapy trial for heroin A drug addict who was on heroin for five years has claimed he has been cured by a revolutionary treatment. Barry Philips, 24, from Kilmarnock, said Neuro-Electric Therapy, which sends electric pulses through the brain, …


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Why Ants Rule the World

Photo by Alex Wild Count on ants to be the first uninvited guests to show up at a picnic. Their party-crashing feats show just how productive and important they are and hint at why they thrive in just about any …


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Paint with your eyes

A stunning perceptual sleight of mind from John Sadowski. It’s been doing the rounds on the web but is seriously worth your 30 seconds: Spanish Castle And if you liked that, here’s buckets more! Thanks Ben Goldacre


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Formative power of sound

“In the late 18th century, German physicist Ernst Chladni demonstrated the organizing power of sound and vibration in a visually striking manner. He showed that when sand is scattered on metal plates, and a violin bow is drawn across them, …


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Resonance manifest

Amazing video footage of soundwaves transformed into visual patterns, simply by pouring salt onto a plate above the speaker cone. Beautiful! And check out the crumpling chinook on the same page! Thanks John Lundberg.


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Thai Blobs: it's over…

JELLY BLOB MYSTERY / WHO DID IT? Not alien droppings after all, just cooling gel POST REPORTERS From the Bangkok Post, Tuesday May 16, 2006 Government scientists’ confirmation yesterday that the mysterious jelly blobs which have appeared around the country …


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Thai Blobs Update

This just in from the Bangkok Post (there are more pics here too) Experts probe mystery jelly blobs After being soaked in water for three hours at the Post, this 50mm x 110mm sheet of cooling gel has swollen into …


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Star Jelly fall in Thailand?

This strange jelly-like object feel onto U-Thai Thani, Thailand (about 66m NW of Bangkok) over the weekend. Apparently another one fell on Bangkok not so long ago. Anyone know what it is? Could it be pwdre ser, the “rot of …


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21st century smog

Electronic smog The curse of the mobile phone age: around your home there are countless gadgets whose electrical fields, scientists now warn, are linked to depression, miscarriage and cancer By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor, The Independent, 07 May 2006 Invisible …


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Ape School!

Vital lessons at orang-utan ‘Oxbridge’: The discovery of a group of privileged primates teaching each other sophisticated behaviour hints at the way human intellect has evolved Robin McKie, science editor. Sunday April 9, 2006 The Observer Suaq Balimbing, in the …


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The universe as Indra's web

The Universe is Trapped in its Own Web From Redorbit (though note the unfortunate 1 April reference!) Astronomers from the University of Nottingham, UK, and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain), have found the first observational evidence that galaxies …


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