Tag Archives: Science

Dirty Electricity

Does power corrupt? by Martin Mittelstaedt From the Globe and Mail Kevin Byrne is a man in the prime of his life who feared he had an old man’s problems. Last summer, he was devastated by chronic back pain and …


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From modems to alarms: the world of bird mimics

By Steve Connor, Science Editor Published: 22 March 2006, The Independent If your computer modem sounds a little odd – try checking the tree outside. According to a new CD released by the British Library today, what sounds like the …


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The Degereration Game

An utterly bizarre story about a Turkish scientist who claims to have made humans regress back to an ape-like prehuman form: “This syndrome interestingly exhibits prehuman features” and represents “possible backward evolution,” [Uner Tan] wrote in a paper describing the …


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Mobile Phone Cookery

To do this you will need two mobile phones -they do not have to be on the same network but you will need to know the number of one of them. The only other items you will need are: 1. …


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Lab Ball Lightning

Israeli scientists have created ball lightning in their laboratory. Joe Banks and I once tried (unsuccessfully) to create it in a household microwave oven, but that’s another story… Great balls of lightning If you have ever seen a mysterious ball …


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Deja Vu Vu Vu Vu

When déjà vu becomes unbearable , Jan. 30, 2006 Courtesy the University of Leeds and World Science staff Many of us have experienced déjà vu—that tingly, yet unsettling feeling that we are going through something we’ve experienced before, even though …


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Kremlin UFO of 1808

From Mosnews.com: “Nowadays reports of UFO sightings appear in the media so frequently that they hardly catch anyone’s eye. More often than not the alleged UFOs turn out to be signal rockets, meteorological probes, airplanes or their traces. But this …


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Beware! The groovy glowing drug test

Magic mushrooms given away by a glow 03 February 2006, by Emma Young The “magic” components of hallucinogenic mushrooms can be made to glow in the dark by a new detection test developed by Australian scientists. It detects psilocybin or …


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Blue nights are alright

Caffeine Free: Blue Light Makes People Alert at Night 01 February 2006 There’s much more than meets the eye to how we perceive light, researchers have learned in recent years. The latest revelation: blue light helps fend off drowsiness in …


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Tune in to SuitSat

An old Russian spacesuit, like this one, has been converted into a satellite and will be launched from the International Space Station on 3 Feb. The suit will transmit a special greeting that can be picked up by radios on …


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Football dream nets £25,000

Fan makes £25,000 on dream goal. Via BBC A football fan won £25,000 after dreaming that Liverpool’s Xabi Alonso scored a goal from his own half. After the dream in July, Adrian Hayward placed a £200 bet, at odds of …


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LSD therapy flashback

And 100 happy returns to Albert Hoffman! The Guardian British psychiatrists are beginning to debate the highly sensitive issue of using LSD for therapeutic purposes to unlock secrets buried in the unconscious which may underlie the anxious or obsessional behaviour …


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