Tag Archives: Science

Brass balloons and metal airships

Are these flights of fantasy predecessors of the mystery airships that haunted the US and Europe in the late 19th century? In 1844, Parisians with an extra franc in their pocket could wander to the outskirts of the city and …


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New CIA Mind Control court case

This could prove very interesting… A Vietnam veterans group is suing the CIA for “thousands of secret experiments to test toxic chemical and biological substances under code names such as MKULTRA.,” its attorneys said today. According to the veterans, the experiments, …


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DNA and quantum entanglement?

Might what Einstein mocked as ‘spooky action at a distance’, or quantum entanglement, be occurring at the deepest genetic levels? A puzzling new discovery about DNA behaviours might seem to suggest so. Scientists are reporting evidence that contrary to our …


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Vril power at the BBC!

SAJ contributors Mike Jay and Gary Lachman are amongst the disembodied voices discussing the joys of Edward Bulwer Lytton’s Vril in this recent BBC Radio 3 documentary presented by Matthew Sweet. Matthew Sweet finds out about Vril, the infinitely powerful …


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Power transmission via satellite

The U.S. Air Force are attempting to make Nikola Tesla’s dream of power transmission from the atmosphere to the Earth a reality. Illuminating a lightbulb isn’t quite as dramatic as what Tesla envisaged over a century ago, but it’s a start… …


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Stone Circles of Mars

The headline promises more than it could possibly offer, but interesting nonetheless… STONE circles on Mars are prompting a rethink about the planet’s ancient climate. Using cameras on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Matt Balme of the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK, …


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Happy New Year!

And enjoy your extra second tonight, wherever you may be… British physicists and official timekeepers around the world will insert an extra second or “leap second” into the new year countdown to bring the most accurate atomic clocks in line …


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Magicology: the science of illusion

How the art of the illusionists is contributing to neurology: Magicians are so adept at manipulating attention that cognitive scientists have started bringing them into their labs to learn more. Susana Martinez-Conde of the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, …


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Ken Hollings at 3am

3am magazine have just published an in-depth interview with Welcome to Mars author Ken Hollings in which he shares his thoughts about WTM and talks about his work in words, music and performance. The Flying Saucer, like the effects of …


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Galactic sinkhole

There’s a super-massive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, and it’s four million times heavier than our Sun. “Although we think of black holes as somehow threatening, in the sense that if you get too close to …


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Dale Pendell dot com

Gyrus has just launched a new web site for the visionary ethnobotanist and poet Dale Pendell. Here’s an interview Gyrus conducted with Dale at this year’s World Psychedelic Forum, complete with a terribly out of focus photograph by yours truly. Must …


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Lights over Levittown

Upper pink-colored disc with three oval lights, estimated by eyewitness to be about 60 to 100 feet above her apartment (in Levittown, PA). The grey pencil lines in triangular pattern represent the many little squares of sparkling light (about 1-inch square) that …


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