Tag Archives: Science

Paranoia rising

“Dennis Combs, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler, has been studying paranoia for about a decade. When he first started conducting paranoia studies, mostly in college students, he found that about 5 percent of …


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Darkness over all: the birth of the conspiracy

This unpublished essay by historian and SAJ contributor Mike Jay examines the origins of the Illuminati mythos in the imagination of establishment scientist and mathematician John Robison. The unrestrained outpourings of a once brilliant mind, Robison’s paranoid epic seems to have …


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Harmine hair

‘The first hard evidence of psychoactive drug use in the ancient Andes has been discovered in mummies’ hair, a new study says.  The finding confirms that predecessors of the Inca known as the Tiwanaku used mind-altering substances, and hints that …


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When Civilisation Fails

  “No civilisation lasts for ever. Most go for between 200 and 600 years.” The Maya, Romans and Angkor of Cambodia lasted 600. And us? “Western civilisation began with the Renaissance, so we’re hitting 600 years,” says Michael Coe. “The …


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'Zoom in my friend': Turkish UFOs on tape

The past few year has seen a rash of spectacular UFO sightings over Turkey, and now, highlights from the video footage shot by witnesses have appeared on Turkey’s SIRIUS UFO web site. Ah, just in time to distract the world’s UFO researchers …


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Medical London site now alive

The official site for the Strange Attractor Press / Wellcome Collection book Medical London is now online. You can get a taste of the contents, see some of Ali Hutchison’s beautiful design work and watch short videos of author Richard …


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'LSD cured my cluster headaches'

Sufferers of chronic CH, however, enjoy no respite at all. They are plagued by up to nine attacks per day, every day; untreated, each attack can last up to two hours. CH is characterised by a pain so severe that …


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Daphne Oram: first lady of electronic music

A wonderful set of archive photographs of the amazing Daphne Oram over at the Guardian If you want to hear what Daphne’s work sounded like, you can’t go wrong with Paradigm’s Oramics double CD compilation.


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Faesthetic #9 : UFOs

The American illustration journal Faesthetic has a new UFO-themed issue out, in which several artists depict their own UFO experiences. As a ‘noted UFO expert’ (ahem!!) I have contributed a contemporary ‘estimate of the situation’ entitled Liminal Vehicles and Trickster Technologies: …


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New Near Death Experience study

The BBC reports on a new study into NDEs to take place at 25 hospitals, co-ordinated by Southampton University. An interesting part of the project will involve placing objects in positions whereby they can only be seen from a vantage …


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Crows vs apes

Crows seem to be able to use causal reasoning to solve a problem, a feat previously undocumented in any other non-human animal, including chimps… A choice morsel of food was placed in a horizontal Perspex tube, which also featured two round …


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These incidents are all too come from a god

SA pal Greg Bishop has been playing with a cutup generator over at his excellent blog UFOmystic.  This piece of text I think is particularly telling: The phenomenon appears to have perfectly human. In fact, I thought a copy of …


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