Lance Sieveking
375pp, 210mm x 148mm
HB, £25
Limited numbered edition (250 copies)
Heavily illustrated with over 70 photographs and drawings
Edited and annotated by Paul Sieveking
Lance joined the BBC in its formative years and directed the first running commentaries, the first multi-studio radio drama, and (in 1930) the first television play.
Airborne features First World War adventures, strange phenomena and transmedia experiments.
The cast includes GK Chesterton, HG Wells, Aleister Crowley, John Logie Baird, Paul Nash, Aldous Huxley, King George V and Gertrude Stein – among many others.
With an Introduction by David Hendy.
“Richly characteristic of English autobiographies of a certain vintage, with an understated idiosyncrasy all its own… one of the things that emerges from this book is that British ‘wireless’ was probably more avant-garde in the 1920s than it has ever been since.”
Times Literary Supplement