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Signs of Life


If we stand before a meadow covered with flowers, full of buzzing bees, fluttering butterflies, darting dragonflies, grasshoppers jumping over blades of grass, mice scurrying, and snails crawling about, we would be inclined to ask ourselves the unintended question: Does the meadow present the same view to the eyes of so many various animals as it does to ours?

Jakob von Uexküll,  A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men: A picture book of invisible worlds (1934)

Biosemiotics is the study of the myriad forms of communications… observable both within and between living systems. It is thus the study of representation, meaning, sense, and the biological significance of sign processes- from intracellular signalling processes to animal display behaviour to human… artefacts such as language and abstract symbolic thought. Donald Favareau, biosemiotician.

New Scientist on the emerging study of biosemiotics

Thanks LSD!