Tag Archives: Science

False memories of disaster

“Four out of 10 people have false memories of the 7/7 London bombings, according to researchers who questioned students about what they remembered seeing on news reports of the events. Some people claimed to have seen non-existent CCTV footage of …


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Tardigrades in Spaaaace!!

The mighty-in-miniature tardigrade has become the first animal to enjoy free flight in open space. Launched in a satellite from Kazakhstan a year ago, two species of tardigrade spent 10 days exposed to the freezing, sun-blasted conditions of open space.  Sadly …


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Bad Science: The Movie

Sorry, not yet. But SA pal Ben Goldacre does have a new book out and there’s an excellent extract about the medicalisation of society online here: Before 1935 doctors were basically useless. We had insulin, morphine for pain relief – …


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Your brain on drugs: smarter, happier?

A profile in The Times of Amanda Feilding and the Beckley Foundation, with whom SAP are publishing Hofmann’s Elixir: LSD and the New Eleusis later this year: Feilding’s fascination with consciousness started at an early age. Interested in spirituality through …


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Magpies join the reflective set

We thought that only humans, apes, elephants and dolphins were self-conscious enough to recognise themselves in mirrored surfaces, but it should come as no surprise that magpies – and perhaps other members of their extended crow family – should be able …


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ET turf wars

SETI’s Senior Astronomer and gentleman sceptic Seth Shostak has had enough abuse from the pro-ET lobby. In this piece over at Space.com he lays out his grievances on the matter, airing concerns that all of us who sit out on the sidelines …


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The Telepathic Gorilla in the Room

Actually this piece at Reality Sandwich from parapsychologist Dean Radin is about psi phenomena, and gorillas, though the psi phenomena are real (according to Radin) and the gorilla isn’t.  Radin outlines recent scenarios in which the mainstream media and establishment …


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April 2007 Guernsey UFO Report

Report on Aerial Phenomena Observed near the Channel Islands, UK, April 23 2007 by Jean-Francois Baure, David Clarke, Paul Fuller & Martin Shough This year’s Chinese lantern, sorry UFO, flap has revealed the phenomenon – and by that I mean …


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One Step Beyond – shrooms!

‘We’ve brought television cameras to a people who have never even heard of radio’. A quite remarkable (recorded) live TV cubensis trip cum ESP experiment from 1961, in three parts. A wonderful mixture of innocence and prurience of the sort …


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"I Just Feel Like Laughing"

Recollections of Dr. James S. Ketchum, a retired U.S. Army colonel, who worked on non-lethal chemical weapons at  Edgewood Arsenal, headquarters of the U.S. Army Chemical Corps, in the 1960s. One drug was known as Red Oil – i.e. hash oil – …


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My favourite tentacle

From The Independent, 8 July 08 ‘Twenty-five octopuses will today begin twiddling a Rubik’s Cube in the name of scientific research. ..the month-long project at 23 Sea Life Centres across Britain and Europe will examine octopus intelligence in an attempt to …


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Chumash rock art

A short piece from SA buddy Erik Davis about his recent trip to a Chumash rock art site in sunny California. Some great observations, as ever, from Erik: One of the things I particularly like about Chumash images is that some of …


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