Strange Attractor Press are happy to announce three launch events scheduled for May, each of which will explore different aspects of the complex and provocative ideas raised by John Cussans’s Undead Uprising: Haiti, Horror and the Zombie Complex.
On May 9th, John will present a lecture at Goldsmiths, University of London as part of the Visual Cultures Department Public Programme. Entitled ‘Learning From The Living Dead’, the talk will take place from 17:00 – 19:00 at the Professor Stuart Hall Building, Room LG01 and will be free to attend. Further details HERE.
May 18th sees the author deliver a fully illustrated talk, ‘Chimerical Optics: Haiti, Colonialism and Voodoo Terror’, as part of the Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies programme at the Horse Hospital, London. Tickets are £10/£8 in advance and can be booked through the Institute’s website HERE.
Finally, on May 23rd, the October Gallery will host a final talk by the author entitled ‘The Spectacular Ethnobiology of Haitian Zombies’. Tickets can be booked via the gallery’s eventbrite page HERE and are sure to sell out fast.
As always, copies of the book will be available to purchase for a specially discounted launch price at all three events.