Tag Archives: Science

Far Out: 101 strange tales from science's outer edge

So my first full book hits the shelves this week: FAR OUT: 101 STRANGE TALES FROM SCIENCE’S OUTER EDGE – published by Disinformation and available wherever interesting ideas are sold. A miscellany of 101 short histories from the annals of …


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Don't look now…

It’s universal quantum doom! ‘New Scientist reports a worrying new variant as the cosmologists claim that astronomers may have accidentally nudged the universe closer to its death by observing dark energy… Full story at the Telegraph.


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Patenting ancient knowledge

India is attempting to protect its history from being patented by foreign corporations: ‘In 1994 an American company was granted a patent for a product based on the seeds of the need tree, an item that had for centuries been …


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Aliens among us?

Astrophysicist Paul Davies on the search for microbial life out there, and down here. Is life written into the laws of nature? The most direct way [to find out] is to seek evidence for life on another planet, such as …


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Darklore journal

Greg Taylor, curator of the excellent Daily Grail site and editor of Sub Rosa online magazine has produced another manifestation of his broad fortean and esoteric interests – and this time it’s physical… “Darklore, a journal of exceptional observations, hidden …


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Code wars!

For the first time in more than 60 years a Colossus computer is cracking codes at Bletchley Park. The machine is being put through its paces to mark the end of a project to rebuild the pioneering computer. It is …


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Why the new Moon rush?

“Germany recently announced that they possibly, maybe, might launch a robotic spacecraft to the Moon. That now brings to six the number of countries with spacecraft at the Moon in development to go to the Moon… The others are: China, …


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Zetetic Scholar online

Serious, scholarly writing and research into anomalous phenomena is a rare thing though, like a daylight UFO, it does still flash across the bows occasionally in journals and magazines like The Anomalist, Magonia (web site currently down), Fortean Times, Dark …


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Free energy? It'll cost you

“Amazing British invention creates MORE energy than you put into it – and could soon be warming your home,” said the Daily Mail “It violates almost every known law of physics.” Well, that’ll teach those so-called scientists a lesson. The …


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Alien firestarters!

Aliens were responsible for a series of unexplained fires in fridges, TV’s and mobile phones in an Italian village, according to an Italian government report. Canneto di Caronia, in northern Sicily, drew attention three years ago after residents reported everyday …


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The Kanzius device: a new cancer killer?

In the winter of 2002 John Kanzius felt soreness in his abdomen. On Good Friday, he went in for a CT scan. Doctors told him he had five to seven years to live. The drive home felt like the longest …


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Wilhelm Reich: fifty years on

50 years after his death, supporters promote scientist’s work By Jerry Harkavy, Associated Press Writer RANGELEY, Maine –It was 50 years ago that physician-scientist Wilhelm Reich, best known for his discovery of a purported cosmic life force associated with sexual …


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